Pupils from Junior Infants to 2nd Class were all very fortunate to meet a Garda today. Kate explained her role as a garda. She explained the difference between good and bad strangers and who we can ask for help if we are in an emergency. The children learned so much about the role of the Gardaí and have a greater appreciation for the important role the Gardaí play in our community. Kate showed the children the different parts of her uniform and some of the children had the opportunity to try it on. It was great fun! We were all intrigued by her belt with the baton, hand cuffs and pepper spray! The children really enjoyed the visit and we have lots of boys and girls wanting to be a Garda when they are older! Thank you Kate for your inspiring visit!
2nd Class are growing Tomatoes!
2nd Class have been very busy planting tomato plants. They have brought them home to look after them for the summer. We hope they will taste delicious when they are ripe!
Congratulation to the boys and girls who received their Confirmation last Thursday. It was a lovely ceremony by Very Rev. Archbishop Dr. Kieran O'Reilly and Fr. Lambe. The children sang and read beautifully. It was a wonderful day for everyone. The children took a trip to O'Halloran's today for ice-cream as a reward for all of their hard work! Well done!