We have been enjoying excellent gymnastics lessons with Niall from Kool School over the past few weeks. The children have been performing cartwheels and doing handstands during the lessons. They did lots of movements and sequences including the crab, butterfly, plank, 'rock and roll' and the basket, to help strengthen their core and enhance their flexibility. The children have had the opportunity to practice their balance by walking on beams, standing like a flamingo and through counter balances activities. Each of the lessons were fun and engaging for the pupils and they were fortunate to have the opportunity to learn the fundamentals of gymnastics while having fun with their friends! O
'MAths for Fun' in the Junior School
Last Tuesday marked the end of 'Maths for Fun' for this year in the Junior School. The Junior School have tremendously enjoyed the 'Maths for Fun' for the last 4 weeks. The children had great fun playing maths games with their friends and have developed their mathematical skills. They really enjoyed rotating stations and playing a range of maths games over the four weeks. A sincere thank you to all the parents who volunteered over the last few weeks. Your help and support is greatly appreciated. We are looking forward to next year already!
Well done to fifth and sixth class who baked fabulous treats for our bake sale in aid of Trócaire today. A big thank you to all of the boys and girls who supported our fundraiser today. We are delighted to say we raised an amazing €473.62 for Trócaire.