A great day was had by all at the pantomime 'Peter Pan' at the University Concert Hall in Limerick. We all really enjoyed performance.
Thank you to all our pupils, their parents and the staff for their generous contributions to the 'Make A Change' Initiative. Your kindness and generosity is greatly appreciated and it will help bring joy to many families this Christmas.
Senior Infants and First Class Make Rice Krispie Buns
Senior Infants and 1st Class made rice krispie buns as part of procedural writing. Everyone really enjoyed making the buns. They tasted delicious!
Hooray for 'Prickly Hay'!
On Tuesday 13th December, children performed their nativity 'Prickly Hay' in the Church of the Immaculate Conception in Drangan. Well done to all the boys and girls on their heart warming performance. Everyone worked so hard in the rehearsals and performed so well. A big thank you to Ms. Dunne for all her hard work too.
say yes to Languages!
This term, our Sixth Class pupils have been participating in a series of language classes with Mrs Hayes. While our main focus has been to learn some basic French, we are also developing an appreciation of and curiosity about languages in general.
So far in French we have been learning to use greetings, ask how someone is feeling, count and say our age and name colours and classroom objects. It’s great to see the children develop their language skills, be curious about other languages and enjoy their learning!
So far in French we have been learning to use greetings, ask how someone is feeling, count and say our age and name colours and classroom objects. It’s great to see the children develop their language skills, be curious about other languages and enjoy their learning!